Thursday, May 3, 2012

The REBOOT {cleanse}- DAY SIX

I made it to day SIX. Wow. I really can't believe it! Glad I decided to keep going and finish this goal.  I woke up ready to tackle this day ahead with juice. I had great energy all day, which I found odd since I wasn't eating anything until dinner time when I had another salad.

I took this week off from my zumba since it's high impact.  I can't imagine how hungry I would have felt afterwards.  I continued to do sit up, push ups, stretching, etc.  I'm actually looking forward to getting back into the free weights and zumba next week.  Joe Cross recommends yoga, walking, swimming during a reboot and leaving the high impact for after it's over.

As I went about my day on day 6 I noticed how happy I was overall.  I was singing the kid's songs along with them as loudly and happily as they were.  I felt more focused. I had no anxiety or stress. Don't get me wrong, it's not easy for me to only consume juice (especially when we don't have handy juice bars like some cities do), but it gave me some sense of peace. I viewed the world a whole different way. 

Thinking back to the days before I went {clean}, I can remember that feeling of disappointment in myself often. I remember feeling tired a lot. Before dumping all the processed food and artificial sweeteners I was often starving (and sucking down a Diet Coke)! I can remember ordering carry out more times than I should in a week.  I remember never planning snacks and always ending up grabbing something out in a pinch. I can remember being so hungry in the evenings I would over snack on cheese and crackers. I remember my stomach buckling in pain after MANY meals because of some reaction I had to a chemical additive. Many of those meals I made for my family with processed foods thinking they were healthy.  All I can say is that during this journey of {eating clean} I no longer feel weighed down (no pun intended) with food.  This juice cleanse has only driven the point home to me.  Don't let poor food choices choose your destiny. They are simply NOT worth it.  There may come a day when you are the heaviest you have ever been and you regret eating all those poor choices.  If you are there now, there is hope if YOU are ready to commit.   I love {clean eating} because it has shown me light. Nutrient dense foods DO help you.  

If you love chocolate cake, then work on making a cleaner version and treat yourself weekly to a piece of cake.  If you love ice cream, buy organic {all natural} ice cream and do the same.  Or, better yet, try {all natural} frozen yogurt.  If you love chips, purchase all natural chips and treat yourself weekly.  My {clean} journey is not about given up everything, it's about ridding my life of all chemicals, additives, and such. It's about getting back to the basics.

I feel truly blessed that I decided to take control of my life and start on this journey in the fall of 2010.  My family and myself has seen the benefits. It's also a blessing to see friends and family members making positive changes to their lives through all my hard work and dedication.

Get out there....start your journey to a better you!
Day 6.....D.O.N.E!


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