Saturday, December 24, 2011

Rehydrate with Glaceau Vitamin Water ZERO

It's very hard to find a {clean} flavored water these days unless you make your own at home. Most days I drink a lot of plain water but from time to time I like to change it up a bit and have something sweet.

Here is a flavored water that is {clean}. These come with a hefty price tag of $1-$1.39 a bottle depending on sale prices or stores.

Glaceau Vitamin Water ZERO
GLOW: Strawberry Guanabana

Each flavor has a different amount of vitamins and electrolytes in them. They have quirky marketing messages on each bottle which I find fun to read. Make sure to read the labels because only the ZERO has natural sweeteners, natural flavors, and ZERO calories. Another thing to point out is the fact that each bottle is 2.5 servings. I like to pour a serving in a glass of ice and sometimes mix it half ZERO and half water.  It is super sweet to me without diluting it. 

With all of this being said, I still don't suggest drinking this on a daily basis since water is still your best choice. However, if you are looking for something as a special treat from time to time. Or, better yet, if you are in need of some hydration after a night out celebrating the end to a new year, this might just be what you need.

Cheers to a Happy Healthy 2012!

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